Jorinde Voigt



The Berlin-based artist Jorinde Voigt explores reality and perception by constructing space, time, speed and form in an analytic way. In order to translate phenomena like melodies and literature into figurative and aesthetic dimensions, Jorinde Voigt develops her own visual language. She transfers the cognitive process with fine pencil lines and notations into her artistic system. Starting from drawing, the artist also experiments with several techniques and materials, from colour compositions with various drawing tools via gilded prints through to collages with cut out silhouettes or layers of feathers. Despite these continuous variations, the visualisation system remains constant. From 2014-2019 Jorinde Voigt taught as Professor for painting and graphics at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich. Now she teaches at the Academy of Fine Arts in Hamburg. Galerie Klüser has been representing the Frankfurt-born artist (1977) since 2009. Her work is included in several internationally renowned collections such as the Museum of Modern Art in New York, the Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris, the Staatliche Graphische Sammlung in Munich, the Pinakothek der Moderne in Munich, the Sammlung Staatliche Museen zu Berlin – Kupferstichkabinett in Berlin and the Kunsthaus Zürich in Zurich.




* 1977, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Jorinde Voigt lives and works in Berlin, Germany. Galerie Klüser has been representing Jorinde Voigt since 2009.


1996-1997Georg-August Universität (Philosophy and Literature), Gottingen, Germany
1998Freie Universität (FU) Berlin, Germany
1999-2001UdK Berlin (Prof. Christiane Moebus), Berlin, Germany
2001Erasmus Program, Visual Art Studies, Royal College of Art, London, UK
2001-2004UdK Berlin (Prof. Katharina Sieverding), Berlin, Germany
2014-2019Professorship at the Academy of Fine Arts, Munich, Germany
2019Professorship at the Academy of Fine Arts, Hamburg, Germany

Selected Exhibitions at Galerie Klüser and Klüser 2

2024ART AND LITERATURE, Group Exhibition
2023DRAWING ROOMS, Group Show
THE SUM, Solo Show
2022WHO’S AFRAID OF BLUE?, Group Show
2015-2016NOW, Solo Show
2011-2012NEXUS, Solo Show

Selected (Solo and Group) Exhibitions

2024BALANCED, Haus des Papiers, Berlin, Germany, group show
5 JAHRE SCHLOSSGUT SCHWANTE, Schlossgut Schwante, Oberkraemer, Germany, group show
JORINDE VOIGT UND DIE ALLEGORIE DER MUSIK, Schenkung Sammlung Hoffmann, Kupferstich-Kabinett, Residenzschloss Dresden, Germany, solo show
CONSTANT VISION, Stiftung Brandenburger Tor / Atelier Liebermann, Berlin, Germany, solo show
DIE SCHRIFT IST WEIBLICH, Kunstforum Hermann Stenner, Bielefeld, Germany, group show
SO WIE WIR SIND 5.0, Weserburg Museum für Moderne Kunst, Bremen, Germany, group show
2023INSPIRE WRITING, Montblanc Haus, Hamburg, Germany, group show
WORLD FRAMED – Contemporary Drawing Art of the Schering Stiftung Collection, Kupferstichkabinett – Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Germany, group show
THE WAY WE ARE, Weserburg Museum f. Moderne Kunst, Bremen, Germany, group show
VERMEER CONTEMPORARY, European Art Association e.V., CSR.ART, Berlin, Germany, group show
INDIVIDUAL COMPUS, /SAC, Garnizoanei Timișoara, Romania, group show
INSPIRE WRITING, Montblanc Haus, Hamburg, Germany, group show
THE ROUNDING CIRCLE, The Mary and Al Shands Collection, Speed Art Museum, Louisville, Kentucky, USA, group show
KEEPING HER NAME ALIVE, Allens Lane Art Center, Philadelphia, USA, group show
PAPER & SOUND, Museum Haus des Papiers, Berlin, Germany, group show
PRESENT PERFECT PROGRESSIVE, Anex PTG, Berlin, Germany, group show
À BRUIT SECRET: HEARING IN ART, Museum Tinguely, Basel, Switzerland, group show
BROKEN MUSIC VOL. 2 – 70 YEARS OF RECORS AND SOUND WORKS BY ARTISTS, Hamburger Bahnhof – Nationalgalerie der Gegenwart, Berlin, Germany, group show
2022WATERFALLS & SPIRIT, Museum Haus des Papiers, Berlin, Germany, group show
CHANGE OF LOCATION. The Art Collection of the Deutsche Bundesbank, Museum Giersch of Goethe Universtiy, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, group show
POLYPHONE. POLYPHONIES VISUELLES ET SONORES, Musée d’Art et d’Histoire Paul Eluard, Saint Denis, France, group show
SEDUCE ME PAPER, Museum Haus des Papiers, Berlin, Germany, group show
SOUNDWAVES, The Moody Center for the Arts, Houston, USA, group show
2021SOUND AND SILENCE, Kunstmuseum Bonn, Germany, group show
2020BEETHOVEN BEWEGT, Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien, Wien, Austria, group show
2019UNIVERSAL TURN, Horst-Jannsen Museum, Oldenburg, Germany, solo show
WALL DRAWING SERIES, Menil Drawing Institute, Houston, USA, solo show
UNCANNY VALUES, MAK, Wien, Austria, group show
JORINDE VOIGT, McNamara Art Project, Hong Kong, China, solo show
2018DIVINE TERRITORY, St.Matthäus-Kirche, Berlin, Germany, solo show
JORINDE VOIGT & ALICJA KWADE, Villa Schöningen, Potsdam, Germany, group show
2017IMAGINARY FRONTIERS, Boghossian Foundation – Villa Empain, Brussels, Belgium, Solo Show
NOTATIONS, Horst-Janssen-Museum, Oldenburg, Germany, solo show
A NEW KIND OF JOY, Kunsthalle Nürnberg, Germany, solo show
2016JORINDE VOIGT – PARTITUREN, Hamburger Bahnhof – Museum für Gegenwart, Berlin, Germany, Solo Show
KOMPLEXE SYSTEME, E-WERK, Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany, Solo Show
KUNST WIRD PARTITUR, Kunstraum Innsbruck, Austria, Solo Show
2015JORINDE VOIGT, Kunsthalle Krems, Austria, Solo Show
JORINDE VOIGT, Espace Culturel Louis Vuitton, Tokyo, Japan, Solo Show
2014JORINDE VOIGT, MACRO Museo d’arte Contemporanea, Rome, Italy, Solo Show
LUDWIG VAN BEETHOVEN SONATE 1-32, Langen Foundation, Neuss, Germany, Solo Show
2013SUPERPASSION, MACRO Museo d’arte Contemporanea, Rome, Italy, Solo Show
2012JORINDE VOIGT, Luminato Festival, Toronto, Canada, Solo Show
NÄCHTLICHES KONZERT – JORINDE VOIGT & GREGOR HILDEBRANDT, Museum Van Bommel van Dam, Venlo, Netherlands, Group Show
2011JORINDE VOIGT, Teckingsmuseet, Laholm, Sweden, Solo Show
NEXUS, Von der Heydt, Wuppertal, Germany, Solo Show
2010ROSENKRANZ KUBUS, Museum der Bildenden Künste, Leipzig, Germany, Solo Show
JORINDE VOIGT, Kunstverein Villa Wessel, Iserlohn, Germany, Solo Show


MoMA Museum of Modern Art, New York, USA
Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, USA
Centre Pompidou, Paris, France
Bundeskunstsammlung Bonn, Germany
Kunstsammlung des Europäischen Patentamts, Berlin, Germany
Kunstsammlung Gera, Germany
Collection Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations, IfA, Stuttgart, Germany
Sammlung Staatliche Museen zu Berlin – Kupferstichkabinett, Berlin, Germany
Landesmuseum Sachsen-Anhalt, Halle, Germany
Kunstmuseum Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
Collection Schering Stiftung, Berlin, Germany
Collection Kunsthaus Zürich, Switzerland
Sammlung Landesbank Hessen und Thüringen, Dependance Paris, France
Sammlung Deutsche Bundesbank, Germany
Sammlung Westfälisches Landesmuseum, Münster, Germany
Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich, Germany
Graphische Sammlung München, Munich, Germany and others

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